iMETAWELLNESS – Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
1. Use this scale to indicate how much you would avoid each of the situations listed below because of fear or other unpleasant feelings:
Eating or drinking with other people
2. Use this scale to indicate how much you would avoid each of the situations listed below because of fear or other unpleasant feelings:
Being watched or stared at
3. Use this scale to indicate how much you would avoid each of the situations listed below because of fear or other unpleasant feelings:
Talking to people in authority
4. Use this scale to indicate how much you would avoid each of the situations listed below because of fear or other unpleasant feelings:
Being criticised
5. Use this scale to indicate how much you would avoid each of the situations listed below because of fear or other unpleasant feelings:
Speaking or acting to an audience
Question 1 of 5