iMETAWELLNESS – Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Severity Measure for Depression:
Self-Assessment form for an Adult.

Understanding your mental health marks a significant step towards empowerment and the path to recovery, mainly when dealing with anxiety. Therefore, the “Severity Measure for Anxiety: Self-Assessment Form for Adults” emerges as a vital instrument for those seeking insight into their emotional well-being. Thus, this self-evaluation tool assists in measuring the severity of anxiety, laying the groundwork for seeking tailored professional guidance.

The Role of the American Psychiatric Association.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) introduces various “emerging measures” to enhance clinical research and assessments. Initially, these tools are beneficial from the initial patient interview and, subsequently, throughout the therapeutic process, thereby providing a uniform method to track progress. Consequently, they are crucial in refining clinical decisions by offering deep insights into patient experiences, thus supporting, not replacing, the detailed clinical diagnostic process. Moreover, each measure comes with detailed instructions, scoring systems, and interpretation guidelines, with the DSM-5-TR providing comprehensive background information.

As a result of extensive work and to enhance these tools and their clinical application, the APA values feedback from clinicians and researchers. Sharing your experiences and outcomes helps advance patient care and refine the accuracy of anxiety assessments. All contributions are essential, and the APA encourages sharing feedback through their dedicated portal:

This measure was adapted from the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) in the public domain. Drs developed the original measure. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.

Should you wish to take a quick self-assessment test, please answer via the form below. Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Want to learn more about Depression Disorder?

Check the video below.

Dr John Butler discusses depression.

Other Mental Health Disorders