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iMETAWELLNESS – Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Depression disorder

What is Depression Disorder

Actually, depression disorder is an illness that can affect how you eat and sleep, how you feel about yourself and how you think about everything.  

According to the World Health Organisation, Depression disorder is characterised as persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. Therefore, it can also disturb sleep and appetite. Additionally, tiredness and poor concentration are common. Afterwards, depression became a leading cause of disability worldwide and contributed significantly to the global disease burden.

Accordingly, the effects of depression can be long-lasting or recurrent and can dramatically affect a person’s ability to function and live a rewarding life. Furthermore,  it is estimated that 5% of adults globally suffer from the disorder. Depression affects one in four people at some stage in their lives. 

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) describes depression as persistent sadness and hopelessness and losing interest in activities they once enjoyed. Aside from the emotional problems caused by depression, individuals can also present with physical symptoms such as chronic pain or digestive issues. Nevertheless, whether you suffer from mild or severe depression, treatments are always available.

Types of Depression

Clinical depression, like other illnesses, comes in different forms. Four of the most common types of depressive disorders are:

  • major clinical depression,
  • dysthymia, 
  • bipolar or manic depression, and
  • postnatal depression.

Consequently, within each of these types, there are variations in the number, severity and persistence of symptoms.

Major clinical depression

Major clinical depression disorder is characterised by a combination of symptoms, including a low mood that interferes with the ability to work, sleep and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. For this reason, disabling episodes of clinical depression can occur once, twice, or several times in a lifetime.


Dysthymia is a less severe type of clinical depression. It involves long-term (chronic) symptoms that do not disable but prevent the affected person from functioning at “full steam” or feeling good. Under those circumstances, people with dysthymia also experience episodes of major clinical depression.

Bipolar Depression (Manic Depression)

Bipolar Depression (Manic Depression) shows a particular pattern of inheritance. Hence, not nearly as common as the other types of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder involves cycles of clinical depression and mania or excessive excitability. Bipolar disorder is often a recurring condition. Anyhow, the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but more often, they are gradual.

Postnatal Depression

Postnatal Depression is a condition that occurs when a woman becomes depressed after having a baby. So, there may be an apparent reason, but often there is none. Additionally, it can be even more distressing when a woman has looked forward to having a baby through the months of pregnancy. She may feel guilty for this or even feel she can’t cope with being a mother. Finally, It can last for weeks or several months, sometimes longer.

In fact, around 1 in every 10 women has Postnatal Depression after having a baby.

Symptoms of Depression 

Everyone has periods when they feel down, but depression is more than feeling low for a few days. In sum, depression can make you feel consistently sad for weeks or months. Several symptoms can indicate depression:

  • Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
  • Significant changes in appetite and sleep pattern
  • Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
  • Pessimism, indifference
  • Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
  • Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
  • Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

Causes of depression disorder

Depression doesn’t have a single cause. It can be due to a stressful life event such as bereavement or related to illness or money, and everyone is different. You may be feeling low after, for example, losing your job, and you spend less time doing the things you enjoy and being with family and friends, which can lead to a downward spiral.

Some personality traits can put you at a higher risk of developing depression, e.g. if you have low self-esteem. These personality traits can be genetic or a result of experiences in your early years.

You are more likely to experience depression if a family member has experienced it.

Treatments for Depression

If you think you might be suffering from depression, you should talk to your GP in the first instance. They can discuss the treatment options available and refer you to a specialist if appropriate.

At iMetaWellness, you will be assessed by a consultant psychiatrist who will make a diagnosis and discuss a care plan with you. Some patients will require a more intensive approach to treatment. For patients with milder symptoms, online consultations or one-to-one therapy with their practitioner and therapist will suffice. Each patient is different; your psychiatrist will discuss the options with you. 

You may be prescribed anti-depressant medication to relieve the symptoms and address the chemical imbalance in the brain and psychological therapy to understand the reasons for the feelings.

Medication for Depression Disorder

Your psychiatrist may prescribe anti-depressant medication. Most people with moderate or severe depression notice an improvement when they take medication. Still, many types of anti-depressants exist, and you may have to persevere until you find the proper remedy. Your psychiatrist will support and advise you at all times.

It would be best to stop taking your medication without speaking to your practitioner, as you may experience side effects.

Therapy approach for depression

Psychological therapy, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), Talking Therapy and Psychotherapy, are all shown to improve the symptoms of depression and look to identify and address the underlying reasons for your depression.

Taking care of yourself is also an important part. Experiencing depression can be very difficult; you may find some of the following helpful:

  • Talk to someone you trust and let them know how you are feeling.
  • Contact a specialist group for peer-to-peer support.
  • Many people find practising Mindfulness beneficial.
  • Look after your physical health.
  • Keep active; this could be trying new activities or meeting up with friends.
  • Keeping a mood diary can help you see good and bad days and highlight any triggers that may make you feel better or worse.
  • Spend time with nature.
  • Look after yourself and spend time doing activities that you enjoy.

If you have found taking an anti-depressant beneficial, your practitioner will encourage you to keep taking it for at least six months after you feel well. This will reduce the risk of another episode. Psychological treatments can help you stay well, and you may continue to come to a clinic as an outpatient. Many people, with the help of a treatment plan, will recover from their depressive episodes.

Want to learn more about Depression Disorder?

Check the video below.

Dr John Butler discusses depression

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